(My) Childhood Shoes
I fancied myself free
I danced a waltz tonight
I danced a polka 123-123
I spun on rose petals and
pressed on bike pedals
I ran across the bridge
cement and metal
bang-bang to my secret place
where silver fishes lie waiting
and streetlights play games
that are highlights
I skid across the inclined
face of the moon
slippery like cheeses down to
Natti’s Gap
I plodded along walls that
wall in the strong cities
I shook the dust off myself
after being made fun of
I had holes
ran a mile
and then I ran another
I felt the cool clay of the
and splashed through the
shallow icy water slip-sliding
over rocks to get stuck deep
in Lake Michigan’s mud
I kicked up my heels
kicked the cat
and then I jumped over the
© Karen Powell