Sunday, January 5, 2014

Iced Tree


We are expecting an icy Monday
This is a sampling of what occurs here from two weeks 
before Christmas... 
(this was at about 4800 feet.)  The top two photos are 
recent and the others are a smattering of ice from previous winters...
Needless to say, I have a lot of ice shots. In fact, I have an "Ice and Fog" folder :-)

It gets icy here!!!
I am thinking that I will have more icy 'finger' pics (which I particularly love) 
for you before this winter relents!

I am not yet crying "Relent!" "Relent!" 
but I most assuredly will, I imagine. :-)

We 'have to' venture out on Monday. Often we wait for the salt/sand/plow
but I might not be able to. (The plow is my new BFF  currently.)  
As always, I will keep you posted as to our ice escapades...

(Stay warm and dry where you are.) 


  1. Nice to have found you. I look forward to reading your archives and see your wonderful photographs. When we first bought land here in NC, it was above 4,500 feet. Having become snow weary from our years in WI, we sold it and built here near Brevard. We're near Cedar Mountain at a relatively snowless 3,000 feet.

  2. Hi NCmountainwmoman :-) Where were you at 4500? That is high! We are at about 4000 above the Boone golf course just outside of town. We love it here. I am, however, glad that I lived in Wisconsin or these kind of winters might have proved to have been too shocking for me. As it stands, the coldest/snowiest remind me of my childhood up in good ol' WI; KWIM? Look forward to watching your blog, too. Thanks for stopping by NCMW


Please do...tell.

Lois Nancy

This artwork is my mother's. It touches my heart.    (So gentle.)   A thoughtful depiction of something sweet, tiny, and cute.   'Wa...